Creative Arc Commission: The Pelican Press

Positive Light Projects: The Pelican Press
Themes: Health & Wellbeing; People & Place-shaping

Positive Light Projects’ ‘Pelican Press Project’ involves the design and build of a wheelchair printing press which will then be used to create a range of artworks using various printmaking techniques. This press is the only one of its kind known in the world.

Many creative processes and approaches, especially those within the visual arts, can require high levels of cognitive and physical ability and dexterity. For many the simple act of operating a printing press - turning the press wheel, applying pressure to the plate, lifting the print - is beyond their physical capacity. Through this Creative Arc funding, Positive Light Projects will further progress a process it has been developing in partnership with The Pelican Project, a collective of learning-disabled members, families, teachers and partner organisations, and build a resource that can be operated and engaged with by anybody, no matter their ability.

At the heart of this project is a collaboration between The Pelican Project and Positive Light Projects, but multiple other individuals and community groups will be involved. One of the aims of this project is to expand and enrich the Pelicans’ existing relationships with other local SEND communities.