Creative Arc Commission: Fore Street Stories

Bookbag: Fore Street Stories
Theme: People & Place-shaping

Bookbag’s ‘Fore Street Stories’ project will connect young poets, writers, and creatives with independent businesses, people and places as ‘writers in residence’ on Fore Street to inspire Fore Street Stories.

The young people will then take part in a 48-hour challenge where over the course of a weekend they’ll be supported in writing, editing, designing and printing a pamphlet of their work.

During the weekend, they’ll work with authors, arts lecturers, local storymakers, and artists to be encouraged to find their voice and have confidence in their abilities as artists. The aim is to install a DIY ethos to their practice so they’re encouraged to keep on making and producing – creating legacy.

After the weekend, the work will be showcased at a launch event at Bookbag in McCoys Arcade, inviting local people and Exeter’s creative community.

The pamphlets will be distributed at independent cafes, shops, libraries and more across Exeter for a city-wide show of the work.

Fore Street stories will engage artists and creative businesses, raising the profile of both. The young people involved will have found a new network of people to help them keep moving on their creative journey.