Creative Arc Commission: Pink Plates & Shipwrecks

Natalie McGrath: Pink Plates & Shipwrecks: A Writing Project for LGBTQIA+ people impacted by cancer
Theme: Health & Wellbeing

What happens then when LGBTQIA+ people experience or are directly impacted by cancer?

How might we find support or even know how to find it? How might we share and find common ground, whilst also enabling a sense of identity beyond living with cancer? How might we express ourselves in relationship to cancer?

This project is about creating an opportunity for a small group of LGBTQIA+ people from Exeter who are impacted by cancer to get inspired, and explore their creativity through writing. It is about finding queer and trans joy as we navigate such a scary time in our lives.

Through a series of gentle writing workshops led by writer Natalie McGrath, there will be invited guest writers/artists to share their stories, explore the work of queer and trans literary icons, and the potential to visit some of Exeter’s wilder spots as inspiration, online or even a trip to the sea.  Each workshop will be unique and lead to a sharing of the writing at the end of the project if that is where the workshops take us.

Each participant will be given a bursary to cover travel, subsistence and any resources required. BSL Interpretation will be available.

The project is supported by Intercom Trust as a main partner.